Essay on Co Education in English


Essay on Co Education in English

There are varied opinions about co-education, whether it is a boon or bane. Both sides have plus and minus points. Let take a look at each. Plus Points : Children of both sexes learn to mix and mingle freely without any inhibitions. They relate to one another as friends. - They learn to see another person's point of view and

adjust faster. - They get over inhibitions and fanciful ideas about the opposite sex and can have a healthy competitive relationship which helps in later years. Negative Points : Those that allow themselves to be swayed get unnecessarily involved with the opposite sex which hinders their studies and concentration level. -- To always have to prove themselves in front of the

opposite sex sparks a lot of tension and restrictions. - There are restrictions in the games fields as well, were the boys are too rough and girls then opt for other options in extra-curricular activities. The ultimate choice is yours, as these are decisions that involve a child's entire education. How much exposure you wish to get, is your option entirely.

QUESTIONS 1. What are your views on co-education, are you for it, or against it? 2. What are the plus points? Name a few. What are the negative aspects? How are attitudes changing in our society on boys and girls mixing freely?