Pros and Cons of Living in the City Essay English


Pros and Cons of Living in the City Essay English

A city is the centre of trade, industry and education. It is the nerve centre of business. It is therefore, full of activity, development and change. A city offers many temptations. It has conveniences, pleasures and pastimes, entertainment, and most of all, opportunities. 

It is because of these reasons that people from rural areas migrate to the city in large numbers. A city provides opportunity to a person to make a living, even though he may be uneducated or illiterate. These chances are not available in the villages, where many people live below the poverty line, and often face starvation.

In a city, there are different types of educational institutions. A person can avail of the education of his choice. There are many good quality hotels and restaurants, cinemas, theatres, shops and supermarkets where everything is available, and a reasonably good water supply and transport system. 

If a city dweller has sufficient money, he can have the best of food, clothing, shelter and education. And to add to it all, the best medical facilities are also available, with large, well-equipped hospitals and qualified doctors.

In spite of all these attractions, city life is far from being peaceful and happy. Most Indian cities are dirty, polluted, and overcrowded. By the side of high-rise buildings there are slums. Everybody is always in a hurry. The stress level is very high, and people suffer from stress related ailments.

For the middle-class people, a city means many people living together in tiny houses, where one has to fight for water, travelling in overcrowded trains and buses, and breathing polluted air. While there may be many medical facilities offered in a city, there are many illnesses and diseases too. Life is definitely healthier in the country side, with its clean air and open spaces, rather than in the city.

Many youths in the city take to smoking, drinking and gambling. They sometimes turn to anti-social activities. If they are morally weak, they can easily choose the wrong path. The crime rate in cities is very high, and a high rate of corruption makes it possible for rich people to do whatever they want, and get away with it.

Elderly people, too, dislike city life, where neighbours do not even know one another very well. As people grow older, they begin to miss their own homes in the villages, where they long to go back.

Many poets have written poems contrasting city life with the village life. However, it is up to every individual to choose for himself, and decide what suits him best. Personally, I think life in a city is a hundred times better than life in an Indian village.

The city keeps us busy, with no time for boredom. It keeps us on the move, and we feel we have done something worthwhile. I would always prefer to live in a city, in spite of its hardships and disadvantages.

[pros and cons-साधकबाधक मुद्दे. nerve centre of business-व्यापाराचे मुख्य केंद्र. temptations-मोह, भूरळ. to make a living-उदरनिर्वाह करणे. starvation-उपासमार. city dweller-YEARÀ, Tera ZTE URI. well-equipped-yhout, H HH a HC454 युक्त. in spite of-असे असून सुद्धा. gambling-पैशासाठी जुगार खेळणे. get away with-