Essay On Importance Of Internet
Science and technology have totally changed our lives. We have invented different kinds of machines and technologies to make our life easy. The invention of computers is the result of man's need for a machine which can do calculations at a tremendous speed.
After the computers came into practice and became part and parcel of our routine, the next step was to connect these computers so that they can communicate with each other. In order to communicate with one another they are linked in a network.
This network, through which the information stored in one computer can be send to another computer, is known as internet. If the information stored in one computer is lost or if different people sitting at different places want to share the same information, it should be easily available.
So the concept of connecting machines came into existence. It was used for the first time by U.S. army. Today, it has become a powerful tool for conducting research, finding any kind of information as well as for communication with others.
We cannot do many of our day-to-day tasks without computers and of course internet. Businesses and students get enormous benefits because of internet. Companies can reach a broader community with a little cost.
Computer networks track inventories and consumer demands resulting in increased profits. Remote video conferencing and internet phones allow companies to conduct live chat sessions with clients around the world.
Data bases are available for public as well as private uses. We can easily transfer our files, documents or bulletins through e-mail. We can browse any information about cinema, cookery, current news, jokes and moreover the matrimonial. We can even store important information, print it or send it to our friends.
For students, internet is the biggest blessing. They can get information on any subject from any university or library around the world. This is a very useful tool for scientists and those perusing higher education.
E-mail, chatting, blogs, Orkut are the key words of today's generation. You can talk on the current issues, find out friends or seek advice through internet. You can also make people aware about the sensitive issues.
Use of Internet is thus rapidly growing. We should use it for the benefit of the universe and for our progress. Otherwise it may some day turn into a dreadful curse.