what happens in the middle of the book a wrinkle in time

what happens in the middle of the book a wrinkle in time

In the middle of A Wrinkle in Time, Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin travel to the planet Camazotz, where they are confronted by IT, an evil force that is trying to take over the universe.

 IT is a disembodied brain that has enslaved the people of Camazotz and made them conform to its will. Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin are able to resist IT's power, but Charles Wallace is eventually captured and brainwashed. Meg and Calvin are forced to flee, but they vow to return and save him. In the middle of the book, Meg and Calvin travel to the planet Ixchel, where they meet the Happy Medium. 

The Happy Medium helps them to understand IT and its power. She also tells them that Meg has a special gift that can defeat IT, but she must discover it for herself. Meg and Calvin eventually return to Camazotz to rescue Charles Wallace. 

They confront IT and Meg is able to defeat it by using her love for her brother. With IT defeated, the people of Camazotz are freed and Charles Wallace is restored to his normal self. The middle of A Wrinkle in Time is a pivotal moment in the story. 

It is where Meg and Calvin face their greatest challenges and where Meg learns about her own strength and courage. It is also where the book's themes of love, family, and good versus evil are most fully explored.